Fire extinguishers are portable apparatuses used to put out a small fire. They are perhaps the most widely used and recognised fire protection devices and depending on the type of extinguisher they either utilise a substance that cools the burning material, deprives the flame of oxygen or interferes with the chemical reactions occurring in the flame. Installation, placement and appropriate signage of fire extinguishers is governed by compliance to Australian Standards and regular testing of fire extinguishers is very important as they are often the first point for untrained occupants to utilise in the case of a small fire.
Small fires are classified according to the nature of the burning material and this determines the most appropriate fire extinguisher to utilise.
Class A extinguishers will put out fires in ordinary combustibles such as wood and paper.
Class B extinguishers are for use on flammable liquids like oil, gasoline and grease.
Class C extinguishers are suitable only for use on electrical fires.
Class D extinguishers are designed for use on flammable metals.
Multipurpose extinguishers can be utilised on different types of fires and will be labelled with more than one class.
Using a fire extinguisher:
P - pull the Pin on the fire extinguisher and break the tamper seal
A - Aim the fire extinguisher low, with the nozzle pointed at the base of the fire
S - Squeeze the handle of the fire extinguisher to release the extinguishing agent
S - Sweep the nozzle from side to side while pointed at the base of the fire until it is extinguished
If the fire re-ignites, repeat the last three steps.
Small fires are classified according to the nature of the burning material and this determines the most appropriate fire extinguisher to utilise.
Class A extinguishers will put out fires in ordinary combustibles such as wood and paper.
Class B extinguishers are for use on flammable liquids like oil, gasoline and grease.
Class C extinguishers are suitable only for use on electrical fires.
Class D extinguishers are designed for use on flammable metals.
Multipurpose extinguishers can be utilised on different types of fires and will be labelled with more than one class.
Using a fire extinguisher:
P - pull the Pin on the fire extinguisher and break the tamper seal
A - Aim the fire extinguisher low, with the nozzle pointed at the base of the fire
S - Squeeze the handle of the fire extinguisher to release the extinguishing agent
S - Sweep the nozzle from side to side while pointed at the base of the fire until it is extinguished
If the fire re-ignites, repeat the last three steps.