Following on and during routine testing of fire protection components, our team of qualified and experienced fire technicians are trained to identify any potential defects to your fire protection components. Often these are minor items which can be identified and rectified on the spot within the confines of your service agreement. If defective items are not in that category, they will be itemised and quoted on for consideration. All defective items will be classified as to their critical nature and against the definitions of the Australian Standards.
Five, ten, twenty-five and thirty yearly tests are also accommodated within the maintenance of fire protection systems and according to the tolerances of the Australian Standards. These tests are highlighted to our customers, quoted in good time for budgeting and site access consideration.
Five, ten, twenty-five and thirty yearly tests are also accommodated within the maintenance of fire protection systems and according to the tolerances of the Australian Standards. These tests are highlighted to our customers, quoted in good time for budgeting and site access consideration.